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Prayer Times in Hamilton
Upcoming Prayer Dhuhr — 00:08:16
This month
12:19 pm , Tuesday, 03 December 2024
2 Jumada Al Akhirah 1446
6:06 am
Timing to end Suhoor
7:42 am
12:28 pm
3:35 pm
5:15 pm
6:45 pm
Muslim World League — Hanafi
Time of Fajr prayer in Hamilton:
6:06 am
7:42 am
It begins with the onset of dawn (at the first signs of bright whiteness appearing along the horizon) and ends a few moments before sunrise.
How many rakaats are in Fajr?
With the onset of Fajr, the pre-dawn Suhur meal ends. The meal should be finished in advance, 10 minutes before Azaan.
Zuhr prayer in Hamilton:
12:28 pm
3:35 pm
How many rakaats are in Zuhr?
Sunnah 4 Fard 4 Sunnah 2 Nafil 2
Asr (Afternoon) Prayer
3:35 pm *
5:15 pm
It begins immediately after the end of Zuhr and lasts until the sun sets below the horizon.
How many rakaats are in Asr?
* The time of Asr prayer for Hamilton is determined by the Hanafi madhab. You can change it in the settings .
Time of evening prayer in Hamilton:
5:15 pm
6:45 pm
It begins just after sunset and ends after the disappearance of the dusk (red glow on the horizon).
It is desirable to perform the evening prayer immediately after the azan, without performing any additional prayers between the azan and iqama. It is undesirable to perform maghrib near the end (makruh tanzihan).
How many rakaats are in Maghrib?
Isha prayer time for today:
5:15 pm
6:07 am
The time of Isha begins immediately after the end of Maghrib and ends with the appearance of the true dawn.
How many rakaats are in Isha?
Sunnah 4 Fard 4 Sunnah 2 Nafil 2 Witr 3 Nafil 2
Namaz timetable in Hamilton for december 2024
01, Mon
6:04 am
7:40 am
12:28 pm
3:35 pm
5:15 pm
6:45 pm
02, Tue
6:05 am
7:41 am
12:28 pm
3:35 pm
5:15 pm
6:45 pm
03, Wed
6:06 am
7:42 am
12:28 pm
3:35 pm
5:15 pm
6:45 pm
04, Thu
6:07 am
7:43 am
12:29 pm
3:35 pm
5:15 pm
6:45 pm
05, Fri
6:08 am
7:43 am
12:29 pm
3:35 pm
5:15 pm
6:45 pm
06, Sat
6:08 am
7:44 am
12:30 pm
3:34 pm
5:15 pm
6:45 pm
07, Sun
6:09 am
7:45 am
12:30 pm
3:34 pm
5:15 pm
6:45 pm
08, Mon
6:10 am
7:46 am
12:30 pm
3:35 pm
5:15 pm
6:45 pm
09, Tue
6:11 am
7:47 am
12:31 pm
3:35 pm
5:15 pm
6:46 pm
10, Wed
6:11 am
7:48 am
12:31 pm
3:35 pm
5:15 pm
6:46 pm
11, Thu
6:12 am
7:49 am
12:32 pm
3:35 pm
5:15 pm
6:46 pm
12, Fri
6:13 am
7:49 am
12:32 pm
3:35 pm
5:15 pm
6:46 pm
13, Sat
6:14 am
7:50 am
12:33 pm
3:35 pm
5:15 pm
6:46 pm
14, Sun
6:14 am
7:51 am
12:33 pm
3:35 pm
5:16 pm
6:47 pm
15, Mon
6:15 am
7:51 am
12:34 pm
3:36 pm
5:16 pm
6:47 pm
16, Tue
6:15 am
7:52 am
12:34 pm
3:36 pm
5:16 pm
6:47 pm
17, Wed
6:16 am
7:53 am
12:35 pm
3:36 pm
5:17 pm
6:48 pm
18, Thu
6:17 am
7:53 am
12:35 pm
3:37 pm
5:17 pm
6:48 pm
19, Fri
6:17 am
7:54 am
12:36 pm
3:37 pm
5:17 pm
6:49 pm
20, Sat
6:18 am
7:54 am
12:36 pm
3:38 pm
5:18 pm
6:49 pm
21, Sun
6:18 am
7:55 am
12:37 pm
3:38 pm
5:18 pm
6:50 pm
22, Mon
6:19 am
7:55 am
12:37 pm
3:39 pm
5:19 pm
6:50 pm
23, Tue
6:19 am
7:56 am
12:38 pm
3:39 pm
5:19 pm
6:51 pm
24, Wed
6:20 am
7:56 am
12:38 pm
3:40 pm
5:20 pm
6:51 pm
25, Thu
6:20 am
7:57 am
12:39 pm
3:41 pm
5:21 pm
6:52 pm
26, Fri
6:20 am
7:57 am
12:39 pm
3:41 pm
5:21 pm
6:53 pm
27, Sat
6:21 am
7:57 am
12:40 pm
3:42 pm
5:22 pm
6:53 pm
28, Sun
6:21 am
7:58 am
12:40 pm
3:43 pm
5:23 pm
6:54 pm
29, Mon
6:21 am
7:58 am
12:41 pm
3:43 pm
5:23 pm
6:55 pm
30, Tue
6:22 am
7:58 am
12:41 pm
3:44 pm
5:24 pm
6:55 pm
31, Wed
6:22 am
7:58 am
12:42 pm
3:45 pm
5:25 pm
6:56 pm
What is the tahajud prayer time for today?
The best time to perform this prayer is the last third of the night. Today in Hamilton it is from 1:49 am to 6:06 am .
When is Duha prayer performed?
The time of voluntary Ad-duha prayer comes 15-20 minutes after sunrise and ends 5-10 minutes before noon. In Hamilton today (December 03), this period begins at 08:02 and lasts until 12:18 .
Which way is the prayer to be performed?
The exact direction from Hamilton toward the holy Kaaba, located at the Holy Mosque (Mecca), is indicated on the map. Zoom in and orient yourself to the location of nearby streets and houses.
Hamilton, Ohio, United States
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